- January 20, 2017
- The Accord
- Champaign, IL
- Every band in town
- The Model
- Electric Cafe
- The Robots
- Trans Europe Express
- It’s the Great Cover Up, a longstanding local tradition, in which bands pretend to be other bands. Plus it’s for charity.
- We were Kraftwerk!
- We were supposed to play “Pocket Calculator”, but the Stylophone died minutes before our set began. The wiring inside those things is totally janky.
- Rex augmented his sample pad with extra triggers and footswitches, as well as a few hand-held devices. He also augmented his voice with a vocoder (the EHX Voice Box).
- Richard used a four string bass and only two pedals (volume and Whammy), and also borrowed one of Andy’s synths (Akai Miniak).
- Andy used his giant Roland Juno.
- “Trans Europe Express” is a blast to play.